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5 Key Software Testing Principles

Written by IDS | Aug 23, 2017 3:25:37 PM

The 5 Key Principles of Software Testing


As an industry, we can’t resist a bit of jargon. Our test teams make sure your organisation’s software is in a position to embrace change flexibly and nimbly – whilst being robust enough to perform efficiently.

The key software testing principles we use to deliver this aren’t exactly rocket science either. We purely focus on your core business need and concentrate on satisfying it through quick, accurate working – with constant collaboration and communication every step of the way.

The business benefits to you are instantly understandable too. Improved efficiency. Cost savings. Less organisational disruption. So, if everything’s so straightforward and uncomplicated, how and why can some companies get their software testing programme so very wrong?

By following these software testing five key principles of software testing, you’ll be well on the way to stress-free testing.

1. Don’t be afraid of questions

The more testers understand your business and how it operates, the more creatively and intuitively they can test functionality. An inquisitive mind will uncover more bugs.

2. Let your testers think like your business think

Instead of having a rigid testing process which has someone executing the login script a million and one times, consider exploratory testing sessions which mirror real-life day-to-day business practice. They can still be focussed and controlled – but are more likely to find harder to reach bugs.

3. You can never have too much test data

A strong, steady supply of engineered test data will mean that test executions are more easily repeatable. And, by setting up a central test data management function, you will also enable test teams to use production-like data without any risk to your business.

4. Pick the right tools for the job

If you are going to carry out some of the testing using employees, use functionally-rich tools which automate as many of the tasks as possible. Also make sure they accurately record the tasks performed – so you can automatically see all testing is under control.

5. Everyone can be an expert

Testing doesn’t have to be exclusively owned by ‘boffins’. There are automated testing tools which can be used by everyone within your organisation, whilst still generating robust test documentation and results.