Test Data Management



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Why Test Data Management? 

Ultimately Test Data Management (TDM) benefits businesses by supporting the creation and delivery of more high-quality software applications on time.

Moreover, having benefitted from TDM these apps will deliver immediately upon deployment. This means that the apps can impact the business in a positive way, more quickly and more often.

TDM throughout the iterations of the development process, not only ensures that Dev Ops teams deliver, but it also gives a sponsor or an organization more assurance that, upon deployment all risks to security and compliance are already mitigated.

More deadlines met, more deployments on time, more project efficiency and far fewer bug fixes, rollbacks, and post launch iterations. When it comes to development, practice really does make perfect.

"By 2023, organizations that embrace continuous quality will beat out competitors in delivering successful digital products."


Source: Gartner

What is Test Data Management?

Test data management is the creation of specific non-production data sets that accurately reflect the actual data used by the organization. These data sets can then be used for thorough testing through the dev process.

Whilst TDM solutions carry various levels of automation, they incorporate manual testing and never fully replace human intelligence. Instead, testing teams’ human intelligence is augmented through TDM.

Learn How Continuous Testing Can Improve Your Business

IDS' Chief Technical Officer, James Briers, sheds light on the solutions to approaching complex data testing projects with mechanical efficiency. 

GDPR Compliance During TDM Phases

TDM by its nature ensures regulatory compliance.

It is the creation of data sets that accurately reflect those used by an organization, but does not hold any specific customer information, protecting the organization in two ways:

  • TDM ensures that there’s no opportunity for a data breach throughout the development process. No sensitive data could be stolen, damaged or accessed by a non-authorized third party. All of which could be extremely damaging for a business
  • Upon completion of the application, TDM offers the assurance that having been well tested by throughout the development process, there’s no flaw or fault in the new app that will cause the corruption or loss of data in a similar way and to a similar risk and cost.


IDS Practices TDM in Line With Data Governance Regulations

Within the iData toolkit, IDS uses a combination of synthetic data generation and data obfuscation to replace source data with synthetic data. Random values are then assigned to maintain GDPR compliance in the non-production test environment.


Test Data Management Strategy Ideas

The three steps to a risk-free and time and cost-efficient, test data approach.

Delivering Quality Test Data in Unlimited Volumes

Synthetic data delivered by IDS is scalable. As such it can provide the opportunity to create unlimited quantities of quality TDM data. Therefore, it can enable wider test innovation such as system stress testing.

The ability to measure performance criteria under extreme production workloads, ensures that delivery and performance of applications. TDM with IDS is a means to future-proof corporate systems by continually testing their limits.

IDS_Test Data Management

The Kovenant™ Methodology

The Kovenant™ methodology was created by IDS to ensure end-to-end data assurance.

IDS offers a compliant, accurate, and enriched data source for TDM in unlimited volumes.

Our end-to-end approach to data quality removes manual error from data processes, ensuring that your development process is successful.