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Hot Tip 1 of 10 – How to Revive Failing Data Migrations

Written by James Briers - CTO & Co-Founder at IDS | Jun 19, 2019 12:00:37 AM

What was the challenge or scenario you recently encountered?

One of our financial services customers was looking to migrate to new game changing technologies for them, they had a challenge with a high volume of data. The data was complex and of questionable quality, which had become a bigger challenge than the actual migration project itself. They were applying significant expenditure using manual teams to validate the quality of the migrated and transformed data, yet gaining little or no value to their data quality from the manual effort and expense, not to mention adding to the risk of their migration failing.

What did you use to resolve and manage the challenge?

I suggested a demonstration of iData to them! We showed them how iData doesn’t have an upper or lower limit in terms of volume and speed and demonstrated how 330,000 rows of data on a recent customer was processed within 2-3 minutes per execution. We also demonstrated how iData provides the ability to automate the assurance of 100% coverage of their data.

What was the overall outcome?

Data migration is a crucial operation, with failure being catastrophic. Their migration was on a downwards spiral due to poor out of control data quality, significantly limiting their ability to move forward with new technologies. iData minimised their risks and got their migration data firmly under control and on track. We also provided mentoring and coaching as they were keen to be self-sufficient. With iData in place, their projects were successfully implemented, and they now have a repeatable process for all new technology projects and data migrations!

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